The characters we loved in the recent series Merlin are back with all new adventures and thanks to BBC, I have one copy of the Season 2 DVD to giveaway!
Merlin is back with even more magic, adventure and romance as the young wizard struggles to protect Prince Arthur in the perilous world of Camelot. While battling deadly assassins, mystical monsters and the most powerful sorcerers Camelot has ever seen, Merlin must work harder than ever to conceal his unique abilities, as King Uther redoubles his war against magic. And Merlin isn’t the only one whose destiny calls—Lady Morgana , Uther’s ward, discovers dangerous secrets she dare not reveal; Lancelot returns, changing everything for both Gwen and Arthur; and King Uther fall in love, little knowing that the charming Lady Catrina is secretly a hideous troll. And as Arthur continues on his path from arrogant prince to the noble and just King Arthur of legend, we see the return of the one prophesised to kill him—the mysterious druid boy, Mordred. Featuring exciting new villains, white-knuckle stunt sequences, and spectacular CGI monsters, Merlin season two is more thrilling than ever.
The 5-disc set includes over 12 hours of programming plus 3 ½ hours of bonus content including Making of Special, audio commentaries, photo gallery, and more!
To whet your whistle for the new series, check out this clip:
Available on DVD: January 18th
Official Site URL:
To enter, please leave a comment naming your favorite mini-series. That's it!
Be sure to include your email address in your comment if it's not visible in your Blogger profile (or if you don't have a Blogger profile). US entries only, due to shipping restrictions. Contest ends Feb. 2, so hurry! I'll choose the winner by and the winner will have 48 hours to respond to my email, or I'll have to choose another winner. Thanks for entering, and good luck!
Disclaimer: BBC is providing the prize for this giveaway. I received no compensation for holding the contest.
5 days ago
I love The History Channel's The Kennedys mini-series with Katie Holmes!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I still like V.
My favorite TV mini-series is Battlestar Galactica (2003)! Loved it!
Thanks for the opportunity to participate in your awesome giveaway!
Ronald O.
I am going to go waaayy back and say Centennial, but I was a HUGE V fan as well. Gosh loved ROOTS too, lets just say I lived for mini-series when I was a kid!!
Band of Brothers
My favorite is North and South.
Mine is V.
Thanks for the chance.
Probably would be V
I'm a huge fan of "The Stand".
Thanks for this contest!
ktgonyea at
My favorite mini-series, back in the day was, Rich Man, Poor Man. Does that date me?
does downton abbey count? currently addicted! or sense and sensibility, pride and prejudice, lost in austen... i <3 mini series!
Wow, I am amazed at how many people still fondly remember the old V mini-series. That was (and is) one of my favorites too, though I haven't seen it in many, many years. Thank you for the great give-away.
My favorite is North and South. I've always thought Patrick Swayze was so good in that mini-series.
Band of Brothers!
I'd have the second North and South, with Patrick Swayze in all his splendor :)
Band of Brothers
V is one of my favorites.
"The Thorn Birds"!
Tales of the City on PBS. Can you imagine if they tried that today?
ky2here at msn dot com
loved battlestar galactica - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
My favorite mini-series is the original V.
Our favorite mini series was "Harper's Island".
I liked Pride and Prejudice a lot :)
Roots - the most powerful mini series I have seen.
My favorite mini-series is John Adams.
neztep at aol dot com
The Stand based on Stephen King's novel.
my favorite mini series was roots
Iloved Roots
Diane Baum
my favorite is Jesus of Nazareth
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
My favorite mini-series is Tin Man from SyFy. It was so good.
I liked Roots when we saw it in school.
nesta 67 {at} live dot com
I can't decide if it's Rich Man Poor Man or North and South...but since I have to choose, I'll choose North and South.
flashlight13114 AT yahoo DOT com
My favorite mini-series was Dune
Rich Man, Poor man.
North and South.
No judging allowed: but mine's "Jesus of Nazareth. I absolutely loved it.
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