Thursday, October 14, 2010

While most of us take the attributes of "being human" for granted, the three main characters of the BBC series of the same name don't have that luxury.  Being Human is the story of George (a werewolf), Mitchell (a vampire) and Annie (a ghost) attempting to get by in the modern world.

In Being Human Season Two, the vampire leader Herrick has been defeated, but there are new enemies and dangers facing our heroes at every turn.  Mitchell (Aiden Turner) has a new girlfriend, but he's unable to enjoy the relationship due to the disarrayed vampire community.  George (Russel Tovey) also has a new girlfriend, but a new twist in his werewolf life disrupts their relationship as well.  Annie (Lenora Crichlow) has a difficult time trying to figure out how to cross over to the other side, and if that is really a good idea.  To top it off, all three of them are now being threatened by CenSSA, headed by the mysterious Professor Jaggat and the ruthless Kemp.  CenSSA is a religious organization determined to destroy and convert all supernatural beings.  And here you probably thought being a supernatural entity was all superpowers, wearing black, and looking mysterious!

The undead aren't exactly tidy, are they?
Check out this creepy preview clip from the DVD.

In addition, there are bonus features on the DVD including:

o Behind the Scenes Featurettes:

o Blood Bursting

o The Caves

o Unleashing the Beast

o The Swinging Sixties

o Behind the Makeup

o Making the New Werewolf

o Train Carnage

o Easter Eggs

Thanks to Bridget at Warner Bros., I have *TEN* copies of Being Human Season Two to giveaway!  To enter, just leave a comment stating whether (given the chance), you'd prefer to live as a ghost, a vampire or a were wolf.  Be sure and leave your email address in your comment so I'll have a way to contact you.  Open to the U.S. and Canada.  Contest ends on Oct. 27. 
Check out the official site:

Disclaimer:  Warner Bros. provided the 10 DVDs for giveaway.


laurag56 said...

A were wolf....

kitkat234 said...

I guess I would want to be a a vampire
kitkat 234 at gmail dot com

David Hollingsworth said...

I would prefer to be a ghost, because no one will be able to see me, and that would be a great thing, because I happen to very ugly, and also it would be like I never existed, and that's also a good thing.

Michelle said...

I would rather be a vampire. I think I would have the most almost normal life as one.

david boyington said...

I would prefer to be a vampire. I have had a strong fascination with them for a long time.

david boyington said...

Oops. forgot to put my email address. I would prefer to be a vampire.

agordon10 said...

I'd be a vampire for the longevity factor.

Amber said...

I would prefer to live as a ghost - like the ghosts at Hogwarts!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

scoobybabe2004 said...

I would love to be a vampire. I love all the vampire shows.

Jon said...

Werewolves are the coolest. That's what I'd be. :)

Anonymous said...

canneryrowdoc (at)

I'd be a vampire, they get all the girls.

mindy said...

a ghost definitely thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net

Nicole C. said...

I would prefer to live as a ghost!


Unknown said...

I think I'd like to be a ghost. The other two look like too much work when watching the series!

littlelatina said...

enter me thanks love vamps

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I'm thinking--a ghost.

dwellenstein at cox dot net

toughturtles said...

a vampire

Anonymous said...

I would much rather be a vampire. They get to keep their facilities! Werewolves turn into uncontrolable beasts, ghost can't actually have physical contact but Vampires get to remain somewhat in control and still have physical contact with others

Jessica said...

I was about to go with ghost, but will have to go with vampires after jmcharries well thought out ideas.

jessica e maurice at gmail dot com

jlafount said...

Ghost. I always felt I'd make a good one. Boo

Anonymous said...

A vampire.\

Vgrlfrnd said...

I would prefer to be a ghost. I could float through the air and not be covered in blood.

Cary G said...

From the show, I'd have to go for wolf. The condition the most within one's control.

Laurie F said...

a vampire of course. I love to stay up all night long and sleep during the day

chlorinebrain said...

I would prefer to be a vampire.

Anonymous said...

A ghost

Dave said...

As a kid I definitely wanted to be a werewolf. Of course back then I never thought about the practical ramifications of having to kill living beings to eat, so I would prefer to be a ghost. This looks like an awesome show. Thank you for the great give-away.

Unknown said...

logically id say ghost... but the romantic in me says vampire. ;)


nhmoose99 said...

I would so be a vampire

pat p. said...

I would like to be a ghost as it seems the least violent.

pattipoodle at

Rhonda said...

I would like to be a ghost. Not as visable as the others

rhondastruthers atyahoo dot ca

ky2here said...

Absolutely a ghost, I will haunt you forever!

ky2here at msn dot com

contestcrow said...

A were wolf....

sinhead83 at hotmail dot com

Leona P said...

a ghost

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I would prefer to live as a vampire.


Daniel M said...

definately a vampire - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Anonymous said...

If given a choice, I'd live as a werewolf. They are the most brutal and coolest of the 3.

Anonymous said...

i'd prefer to live as a ghost

Anonymous said...

A ghost. Because i dont think i have any friends if i was a warewolf or a vampire, I would have to eat them. As a ghost at least i can still make friends and keep them lol.
waitressdani (at) hotmail (dot) com

chad sexington said...

I think I'd want to live as a ghost. You wouldn't be burdoned with the whole eating, drinking, sleeping, breathing thing. Float/walk around and go wherever, do whatever, no danger (garlic, stakes, crosses, etc) to worry about. You could, pardon the pun, finally experience life :) Great giveaway, thanks!

Anonymous said...

A vampire would be my choice!

Christy said...

I would not really want to be any of the three...but if I had to choose, I would be a vampire.

Anonymous said...

Vampire, definitely. Other than blood drinking, the rest is cool! Thanks!

Hotsnotty2 said...

I would pick being a vampire, thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

No doubt a ghost

Derk Thomas said...

A ghost, the other 2 choices have some negative sides.

tallcapp said...

I would prefer being a vampire. I could still have a love life!!

Godzilla's Mom said...

Ghost. You could go to all the high level government meetings and spy on the spies. Waft through fort knox and down into area 51. It would be extremely interesting!

Anonymous said...

A I don't have to kill someone and drink their blood (or tear them apart).

flashlight13114 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of being a ghost. You can walk through walls and disappear when convenient. I would not want to haunt someone just hang around a big old mansion!!

Susan said...

A vampire suelee1998 @

Anonymous said...

A ghost

susansmoaks said...

i would prefer to be a ghost
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

susan1215 said...

I prefer to be a ghost

s2s2 at comcast dot net

Homemaker said...

I would love to live as a ghost. That way no one can see you and you can help the people you love and hurt the people that you don'

demmi said...

a vampire

Anonymous said...

I'd be a Vampire!

Since they never seem to age!

Thanks for the chance to WIN and GOOD LUCK to ALL!

Chrystal said...

I would choose to live as a ghost, so I could be invisible.

chrystaljns (at) gmail (dotcom)

SalanderServant said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SalanderServant said...

A ghost. Vamps need to prey to live, wolves suffer at moonlight's whim. Ghosts have free reign.

fatally_flayed at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love to be a ghost! Never get hungry, never need to sleep, nobody can catch you and you get to scare people. Too cool!

dreamcleavers said...
i would choose a vampire, they are considered sexy and romantic-live for so long and can go just about anywhere

Maja said...

A ghost! I don't want to drink blood orbit people or be hairy looking. :)

Charlene Kuser said...

I would want to live as a vampire.
I think is would be sexy and fun

Kathy P said...

i would want to be a ghost they are spooky and scary..i just got
AND there are quite a few people I would love to haunt ;)


07violet said...

a ghost

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

Sand said...

I'd love to be a ghost!

kimbly said...

I would pick a ghost

kimbly at g mail dot com

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I'm a librarian who is interested in all things British. I try to visit London as often as possible, and am always planning my next trip. I lived in Sweden for a few years with my Swedish husband, so the occasional Swedish reference may occur . . .

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