I was able to find the DVD, and it turns out to be the first episode of the series. It stars the wonderful Jill Scott as Mma Ramotswe, but the real scene stealer is Anika Noni Rose as the uptight secretary Mma Makutsi.
I was thrilled to see the beloved characters come to life on the screen, but as usual with film adaptations from books, there were some things which bothered me:
1. What was with the gay hairdresser whose shop was next door to the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency? He wasn't in the books, played a very minor role, and just seemed totally unnecessary.
2. I didn't like all the emphasis on Mma Ramotswe's former husband, Note Mokote. Although he did show up in a later b
3. Mr. JBL Matekone is ALWAYS called "Mr. JLB Matekone" by EVERYONE -- so why was that changed to "Mr. Matekone" in the film? It's a minor thing, so why mess with it?
4. Why was the "tiny white van" a pickup truck???
Those were minor quibbles, but still seemed like unnecessary meddling with material that was fine to begin with! I really loved the character of Mma Makutsi, the secretary. She was just as hardworking and bewildered as she was in the books.
Final Verdict for The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency film:

I'm getting set to review this myself. I didn't read the books which sounds like it might be a good thing.
I have the first four books in the series and I just finished the thrid one last night. Very good reading. And it was a good series--I'm hoping they decide to make more.
As Mike said, the books are just wonderful! I'm anxious to get hold of the latest one, "Tea Time for the Traditionally Built." I would like to see the rest of the series, so I hope it's out on DVD soon!
I just went on a Mma Ramotwe tour In Gabarone and our tour guide said that the “tiny white van” is indeed what we call a pickup truck in Botswana. Hence the pickup truck.
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